This demonstration was created for the study "Impact and Reward: Enhancing Player Satisfaction in FPS Games Through Audiovisual Effects". Its intent is to test how audiovisual effects can inflict a feeling of satisfaction in First-Person Shooter (FPS) games. You are welcome to take part in this survey, even if you have not been directly asked to.

If you have been asked to take part, alongside this demo, you should have been given a link to a survey. If you have not received this link, you can access the survey here. Otherwise, if you are having trouble accessing or running the game, please contact Megan via email at .

During this survey, you will be guided through the use of five firearms that can be found in the provided game. You will be instructed when to use each firearm, as well as how to use it. After testing each firearm, you will be presented with a short series of questions regarding how you felt using the weapon. Please answer these questions to the best of your ability, as these are integral to the findings of this study.

Throughout the study, try to rank the firearms in order of how much you enjoyed using each of them, either on a sheet of paper or otherwise. You will be asked to give your order of preference at the end of the study.

It should be emphasised that this survey focuses on how each weapon affects your satisfaction. In the context of this study, ‘satisfaction’ is defined as “a pleasant feeling that you get when you receive something you wanted, or when you have done something you wanted to do”, or the short rush of endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin one receives in response to a desirable stimulus. Examples of generally desirable stimuli include:

  • power washing a dirty car;
  • hydraulic pressing a tin can;
  • power shredding a collection of fruits;
  • smashing a jar of paint with a lead ball.

Try to reflect on whether you are experiencing a similar feeling as you utilise each firearm.

Published 1 day ago
Tagsdemo, FPS, Prototype, Short, Simple, Unity